Granite also known as Granite is a rock found in nature with a fairly high hardness. In the process of using at home, office, building, … after a period of use, there are stains, scratches, … Reducing the shine of the stone, besides the pathogens are multiplying. within the men directly affects human health. Therefore, cleaning and polishing the Granite floor is very necessary. Dealing with worries of customers NAM THANH DO we are dedicated to providing Granite floor restoration services that ensure quality, prestige and efficiency.
Step 1: Prepare the premises, place warning signs
Step 2: Clean the rough surface to remove objects that interfere with the recovery of the stone floor. Sweep, dust off the surface.
Step 3: Use chemicals to polish the surface to create a smooth surface.
Step 4: Use an industrial vacuum to vacuum dust and water to avoid water seeping into the stone to increase the life expectancy of Granite stone.
Step 5: Wipe the surface clean.
Step 6: Check and accept the project.